Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd February 2025
Middlesex County Championship and Visitors Record Status Portsmouth
The Middlesex County Portsmouth on 1/2nd February 2025 is full, but a waiting list is in operation. Please send in your entry form to go onto the waiting list, but do not pay until you have been informed that a space is available.
Meadhurst Club, Chertsey Road, Sunbury on Thames, TW16 7LN
- General Information
- Session Times
- Payments
- Results
- Judges: Steve Vallis, Meera Shah and Ben Hastings
- Recurve team of 3, Compound team of 2, Longbow team of 2, Barebow team of 2.
- Shooting will be to ArcheryGB Method 2: 3 arrows in 2 minutes. Visual timing. Clothing rules include no blue denim, camouflage trousers or football team shirts.
- There will be no prizegiving ceremony, Medals will be posted to recipients.
- Archery GB cards or receipt may be requested at booking in.
- Equipment inspection will take place before or during the shooting.
- The bar may be open from 12 noon each day, but no food.
- Target list and results will be sent by email to the contact named on the entry form. They will also be available on the Middlesex website
- If you intend to take photographs or video at the event please sign the registration form on the day.
- Please wear soft sole shoes.
- GDPR Notice: Some of the following information may be shared with tournament organisers, judges, scoring systems and other competitors in target lists and results which will be published: First Name, Surname, Gender, Bow style, Date of Birth / Age category, Email, Address, Phone number, Club, Disabled (Y/N), Disability info. The information will be kept for 12 months then deleted.
Sessions: Saturday 1st February: A: 1.30am Sunday 2nd February: B: 9:30am, C:12.30pm, D:3:15pm
£15.00 pp per session. Cheques to be made payable to MCAA. Double/multiple sessions may be booked subject to available space. Please note that only first session scores counts towards final results.
Saturday 25 January 2025. No refunds after that date.
Cheques with entry form by post to: Joyce Denny, 38 Pine Wood, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex TW16 6SG
Or Bank Transfer to: Middlesex Archery, Account Number 61156284, Sort Code 40-43-46. Please ensure payment reference “IT” plus your surname is added.
Please email your entry form to:
Telephone: Joyce Denny 07802 864562