Worcester League

Postal Worcester League

  • Round: Worcester – 5 dozen arrows shot at 20 yards in ends of 5 arrows on a black and white Worcester face.
  • Teams: Recurve 3, Compound 2, Longbow 2, Barebow 2 Possible junior teams if required (Juniors are those under the age of 18 years at 1st November) Clubs may enter a second recurve team which will be placed in a division with other second teams. The Second Team divisions will only be run if 2 or more teams enter.
  • Awards: Teams – Trophies and medals for Recurve, Compound, Longbow and Barebow teams individual top score awards (lady, gent, junior boy and girl) medals.
  • The League will run from November to March, 5 months.
  • Points will be awarded: 3 for a win; 2 for a draw and 1 for a loss.
  • The ideal would be 6 clubs competing and would compete according to the table below:
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  • Clubs would be allocated randomly, by means of a draw. If less than 6 clubs take part, Byes would be included in the fixture list. As every club shoots against every other club this is fair to all. Clubs with Byes still have to shoot and submit a score. If more than 6 clubs in any one discipline wish to take part, the league will be organised in 2 divisions and the overall winner would be the division winning club with the highest aggregate points throughout the winter.
  • At the beginning of the month following the match being shot, clubs should send their results by e-mail , on the form below to their opponent and to the League Secretary, by 7th of the following month, so that by 10th of the following month results of matches are known. An Excel version will be sent out with the fixture list and should be used for all results. The League secretary will then publish a table showing the points won by each club.
  • Clubs may only shoot their match within the calendar month. The match should be prearranged. An exception can be made if the the venue becomes unavailable through no fault of the participating club. Matches should not be postponed just because insufficient archers turn up. Matches cannot be shot a second time to to try to better scores. All members must shoot at the same place at the same time, and first and second teams selected by means of their scores at the end of the round.
  • Exception can be made for clubs to shoot their matches in more than one session if there is insufficient space at their range for everyone to shoot together at the same time.
  • Archers may only shoot for one club in each league, but may shoot for different clubs in different disciplines.
  • Only archers affiliated to Middlesex County Archery Association may take part.

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