Sunday: Lady Paramount – Sandrine Esteban Monday: Lord Patron – Eric Murray
Please note: There will be no provision for crossbows or professional archers.
MCAA, SCAS, GOA and GOALS cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage sustained at the ground and will not be liable for arrows damaged in the target or pass-throughs. ALL arrows must be found before leaving the field. Please advise a judge if you have a lost arrow and tell the same judge when it is found. Tents can be accommodated on the ground on the day.
Single Day Entry: £19.00 Seniors / Juniors, £11.00 Nationals Sunday afternoon
Cheques to be made payable to Middlesex Archery
BACS to Middlesex Archery: Account Number 61156284 and Sort Code 40-43-46; use reference: “OT” plus your surname.